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Aptori Dedicated Deployment


Aptori Dedicated Deployment is a single-tenant SaaS offering hosted and operated in an isolated VPC from a chosen cloud provider. Customers benefit from a highly available Aptori Platform maintained with the latest product updates.


Aptori operators can modify the authentication configuration for a Dedicated Deployment on behalf of the customer. Supported authentication options include OpenID Connect (OIDC) and password authentication with multi-factor authentication (MFA).


Data is encrypted at rest and in transit using the latest encryption standards.


Each Dedicated Deployment uses infrastructure-level isolation, with a separate cloud account created for each deployment. This account is completely isolated from and other deployments. Aptori manages the underlying infrastructure and upgrades the platform, while customers are responsible for the platform administration of users and projects.

Owner Access to Aptori Platform

Aptori does not have customer user access to the platform in a Dedicated Deployment. Select individuals within the customer organization are assigned as Owners of the platform. Any support requests requiring changes in the platform, such as removing a user, must be performed by the appropriate team within the customer organization. Optionally, a Dedicated Customer Success Team may be contracted by the customer. This team will be given user accounts within the platform to provide premium support.


By default, a Dedicated Deployment may be accessed over the public network with the ability to specify IP address allow lists. Bring Your Own Domain A customer may use a hostname in their own domain to access your Aptori Dedicated instance. For example, instead of, a customer can use a hostname for a domain they own, like


Each deployment has a weekly 4-hour maintenance window during which upgrades are performed. Aptori strives for seamless and non-disruptive upgrades, although occasional downtime may occur. Aptori reserves the right to unscheduled maintenance windows to resolve high-severity issues affecting security, availability, and reliability. Maintenance windows required by the cloud provider that may disrupt availability are communicated in advance.

Service Level Availability

Service Level Availability refers to the percentage of time that Aptori Dedicated ("Dedicated") is available for use by a customer during a given calendar month. This document outlines the method for calculating Service Level Availability for Aptori Dedicated.


Aptori calculates Service Level Availability based on the availability of specific services and features offered within Aptori Dedicated. The services and features included in this calculation are:

Service Features
Webservice Aptori Issues, Aptori Results

Service Level Availability Calculation

Aptori calculates Service Level Availability by measuring the percentage of requests to the Aptori Platform that are handled satisfactorily. A satisfactory request has a response with a non-5xx status code and a latency of less than 5 seconds.

For each service and feature described above, Aptori measures two service level indicators (“SLIs”) Apdex and Error Ratio.

  • The Error SLI is an indication of requests that are successful, (i.e. not returning a 5xx error).
  • The Apdex SLI is an indicator of requests that complete with a satisfactory latency. Apdex is defined using the industry definition with two latency thresholds: satisfactory and tolerable. For Dedicated, satisfactory requests take less than 5s to complete, and tolerable requests take less than 20s to complete.

Combining these two SLIs, Aptori scores each request as follows:

Server Error? Latency <= 5s Latency <= 20s Latency > 20s
No 1 0.5 0
Yes 0 0 0

Service Level Availability is then calculated as follows. For each calendar month, we calculate the sum of the combined SLI scores for all requests in that month, excluding any requests made during maintenance windows, and divide this by the total number of requests during that period (again, excluding maintenance windows).

Service Level Availability = the sum of qualifying SLIs for the entire month divided by the total qualifying requests for the entire month.

The Service Level Availability of Aptori Dedicated should meet or exceed the current Service Level Objective (defined below).

Current Service Level Objective

Aptori’s current monthly Service Level Objective for Aptori Dedicated is 99.5%.


The calculation of Service Level Availability excludes failures resulting from the following:

  1. Misuse or misconfiguration of the applicable service or feature provided with Dedicated.
  2. Customer activity outside of Aptori’s terms of service.
  3. Components or services not defined in the Scope section (above).
  4. Factors outside of Aptori’s reasonable control, such as force majeure events.
  5. Customer’s or selected cloud hosting providers' services, equipment, or other technologies.

Additionally, scheduled maintenance or urgent unscheduled system maintenance necessary to address critical issues (e.g., security vulnerabilities, data consistency issues) are also excluded from the calculation of Service Level Availability.

Disaster Recovery Plan

Aptori has developed a disaster recovery plan (the “Plan”) to minimize the impact of a disaster or other emergency impacting a customer’s access to and use of Dedicated


The Plan is scoped to disasters or other emergency events impacting the following:

  1. Partial region outage (e.g. Availability Zone failure)
  2. Complete outage to primary region

The recovery time objective (“RTO”) for the Plan is based on how long it takes to re-provision the required infrastructure and restore data from the most recently available backup.

The recovery point objective (“RPO”) for the Plan is based on the frequency of snapshots across the data sources.

In order to receive RPO and RTO targets, customers must specify a primary and secondary region upon onboarding and these regions must be supported by Aptori Dedicated. The list of regions that are supported by Aptori Dedicated are:

  • US-East
  • US-West

If a customer uses the "Bring Your Own Domain" feature, they must update their Domain Name System (DNS) configuration to fully restore the Dedicated service ("DNS Update"). The time required to initiate and complete a DNS Update will not be included in the calculation of RTO under the Plan.

For customers who have specified only a primary region or in cases where a secondary region is not supported by Aptori Dedicated, Aptori will still make a good-faith effort to recover according to the Plan. However, the RTO and RPO goals of the Plan will not apply.

Aptori regularly tests the Plan and will make all commercially reasonable efforts to achieve the specified RTO/RPO goals.

Current Disaster Recovery Objectives

Aptori’s current disaster recovery objectives for Aptori Dedicated are as follows.

  • RTO: 6 hours
  • RPO: 24 hours


Events that severely impact a customer's ability to access and use Dedicated services, such as simultaneous loss of both primary and secondary regions, global internet outages, or data corruption issues, are not covered by the Plan. However, Aptori will make a good-faith effort to recover according to the Plan, though the RTO and RPO goals will not be applicable.