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OpenAPI Conformance Analyzer

Configuration Name: OpenAPIConformance


OpenAPI Conformance analyzer checks the conformance of each API response to the response schema in the API definition.

Faults Reported

Fault Identifier Title Summary Solution Severity
SCF-200 Unexpected response The response did not conform to the API definition. This is a generic CF for errors that do not have a more specific CF.
SCF-201 Unexpected response status code The response had a status code that is not specified for the operation in the API definition. Modify service implementation to return only those status codes specified in the API definition, or modify the API definition to specify which status codes may be returned by the operation. high
SCF-202 Unexpected response Content-Type The response had Content-Type that is not specified in the API definition for the status code that was received. Modify service implementation to return only those Content-Types specified in the API definition, or modify the API definition to specify which Content-Types may be returned by the operation. high
SCF-202 Unspecified Content-Type An operation in the API definition did not specify a Content-Type for a response. Any response produced by the service is considered conforming, which is not advised. Modify API definition to specify which Content-Types will be sent in a response for an operation, and the schema of the response. low
SCF-300 Unspecified schema An operation in the API definition did not specify a response schema. Modify API definition to specify the schema of the response for each Content-Type that is returned by the operation. low
SCF-301 Type mismatch Value does not have the type specified in the API definition. Examples: Field must be set to " + schema.Type + " or not be present Value must be an integer Modify service implementation to return values that conform to the API definition, or modify the API definition to specify the proper type that will be returned by an operation. high
SCF-302 Invalid enum value Value is not one of the specified enum values for an enum type. Examples: value is not one of the allowed values Modify service implementation to return values that conform to the API definition, or modify the API definition to specify the proper set of allowed values for an enum type. high
SCF-303 Number format error Value of a number type does not conform to the constraints in the API definition. Examples: number must be more than %g number must be less than %g number must be at least %g number must be at most %g Number is not a multiple of %g (NOTE: Reason is not formatted this way by openapi3filter) Modify service implementation to return a value that conforms to the API definition, or modify the API definition to specify the proper type that will be returned by an operation. high
SCF-304 String format error Value of a string type does not conform to the constraints in the API definition. Examples: minimum string length is %d maximum string length is %d string doesn't match the regular expression "%s" string doesn't match the format %q (regular expression "%s") Modify service implementation to return a value that conforms to the API definition, or modify the API definition to specify the proper type that will be returned by an operation. high
SCF-305 Invalid string pattern constraint The pattern constraint specified in the API definition for a string type contains an invalid regular expression. Analyzer was unable to verify that string values conform to the pattern constraint. Modify the API definition to use a valid regular expression in the pattern constraint. low
SCF-306 Array format error Value of an array type does not conform to the constraints in the API definition. Examples: minimum number of items is %d maximum number of items is %d duplicate items found Modify service implementation to return a value that conforms to the API definition, or modify the API definition to specify the proper type that will be returned by an operation. high
SCF-307 Object format error Value of an object type does not conform to the constraints in the API definition. Examples: there must be at least %d properties there must be at most %d properties property %q is unsupported property %q is missing (NOTE: for required properties) Modify service implementation to return a value that conforms to the API definition, or modify the API definition to specify the proper type that will be returned by an operation. high
SCF-308 Discriminator is missing Value of a polymorphic OneOf type is lacking the discriminator field specified in the API definition. Examples: input does not contain the discriminator property Modify service implementation to return a value that contains the discriminator field, or modify the API definition to not specify a discriminator in the OneOf type. medium
SCF-309 Discriminator has invalid value Value of a polymorphic OneOf type has an invalid value in the discriminator field. Examples: input does not contain a valid discriminator value Modify service implementation to return a value that contains the discriminator field, or modify the API definition to not specify a discriminator in the OneOf type. high